Page 35 - IDEA Studie 10 2016 Narodni srovnani publikacniho vykonu AVCR
P. 35

      of the CAS, 3% y and Genetics 1% dicine of the 20% Institute of Psychology of the CAS, 2% v. v. i. Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, v. v. i. Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, 12% v. v. i.            ČR Podíl e CAS, v. v. i. 25% e CAS, v. v. i. 13% A CAS, v. v. i. 6% A 2. Pracoviště AV ČR Podíl Institute of Psychology of the CAS, 25% v. v. i. Institute of Information Theory and 8% Automation of the CAS, v. v. i. Economics Institute of the CAS, 6% v. v. i. 33 1%       CAS, Prague, 25%   S, v. v. i. 53% Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS, v. v. i. S, v. v. i. 44% 2%     S, v. v. i. 57%      

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