Page 19 - IDEA Study 3 2015 Duchodova studie
P. 19

Since the SHARE survey does not provide a detailed insight into the phenomena of early retirement, we refer to the registry statistics. Graph 1.7 shows trends over the last 15 years in the number of regular retirements (at statutory ages) and early retirements (allowed for by the law). We observe growing trends in both, reflecting the increasing size of the cohorts reaching retirement age. It should be noted that the number of early retirees has been growing at a faster rate. GRAPH 1.7 This can be better seen in Graph 1.8, which displays the relative proportions. In the most recent period, 2014, early retirements constituted about one third of all old-age related retirements, for both men and women. GRAPH 1.8   100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Newly Assigned Pensions by Type of Retirement - Men                 Source: ČSSZ Retirement Other Retirement Early-Retirement    17 

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