Page 5 - IDEA Studie 07 2019 Duchodci na trhu prace
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                                         Study 7/2019
Are retirees motivated by the type of employment contract to participate in the labour market?
July 2019
Lenka Lakotová 2
• This study deals with the Czech Republic’s 2008 introduction of an amendment to Act No. 306/2008 Coll., which allowed retirees to simultaneously receive regular pension benefits and to work on a permanent or temporary contract for a period longer than one year. Previously, the concurrence of gainful employment and receipt of retirement benefits was only allowed in conjunction with a temporary work contract with a maximum duration of one year.
• The aim of the analysis was to analyse the influence of the option to work on a permanent or temporary contract for longer than one year on the share of permanent contracts held by retirees, on employment and the number of hours worked by retirees.
• Czech Labour Force Survey data for 2007 to 2013 was used for the analysis. Estimation was made using the difference-in-differences method. Only men were included in the analysis because it is not possible to identify the legal retirement age for women from available data.
• Men in the workforce 1 to 3 years prior to the statutory retirement age were used as a control group, while men 1 to 3 years older than statutory retirement age were used as a treatment group.
2 The study received support from the IDEA tender „Empirical research for the support of effectice public policies“. The author would like to thank Filip Pertold, Ph.D., Doc. Ing. Daniel Münich, Ph.D., Klára Kalíšková, Ph.D. and Deborah Novakova, M.A. for their useful comments on the draft version of the text. Any remaining errors are the responsibility of the author. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author. The study received support from the research programme Strategy AV21 of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

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