Page 6 - IDEA Studie 13 2017 Platy ucitelu II
P. 6

I D E A P R O V O L B Y 2 0 1 7 Platy učitelů ve volebních programech: přehled a rozbor
 • Our calculation of the costs of raising teachers’ salaries indicates that raising teachers’ pay by 10% would cost the state budget c. 6.7 billion CZK [260 million euros] per year. Most of the parties’ promises, therefore, correspond to additional costs in the order of 12 to 14 billion CZK. However, these sums do not include possible increases in the salaries of other non- teaching pedagogy and non-pedagogy staff within the schools system. The additional costs of implementing the upper end of the pay rises promised by STAN and the Realists are 35 and 23 billion CZK, respectively.
• Noneofthemanifestospromisetofindthemoneyforapayrisefromwithintheschoolsystem, for example by optimizing school networks, reducing the educational load, increasing the average class size.
• Mostofthemanifestospromisetoimprovenon-financialworkingconditionsforteachers,the most common general promise being to reduce teachers’ administrative burdens.
• Given that vague pledges of this kind have repeatedly failed to come to fulfilment in the past, the current election manifestos do not have sufficient potential to convince young would-be- teachers of a long-term commitment to raising the attractiveness of the teaching profession.
• By far the most elaborate manifesto for schooling and education is that of the SZ, which includes a whole range of measures and goes into relatively great detail. It emphasises a range of issues that are known to educational practitioners and experts, but about which there is very little awareness among the general public. The manifesto of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) is exceedingly brief, and ANO’s manifesto had not yet been published at the time of conducting this study.

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