Page 6 - IDEA Studie 6 2018 Predskolni pece v Nemecku
P. 6

 When increasing the capacity of preschool institutions it is crucial to maintain the quality of care, in particular limiting the number of children in any one group, the average number of children per teacher, and the teachers' level of qualification. The ratio of teachers to children in Germany is 1:12.5 in preschools for children aged 3–6 years and 1:4 in institutions for children aged 1 to 3 years.  When supporting an increase in the capacity of preschool childcare it is desirable to take measures that ensure that the increased capacity is made available primarily to children for whom preschool education has the greatest benefits and whom it can help to overcome disadvantages they have as a result of their families' socio-economic backgrounds. 4 

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