Page 23 - IDEA Study 10 2015 Skills Mismatches
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high school with school-leaving examination (24%), closely followed by individuals with Bachelor’s degree (23%) and higher vocational schools or conservatory education (22%). People with highest level of education (Master’s degree or doctorate) are less likely to be subjectively overeducated (17%). Maybe surprisingly, even among individuals with the lowest levels of education (primary education and vocational schools), there is a substantial share of those who feel overeducated for their current job (12 and 20%). This is probably mainly caused by the fact that this measure might not only capture the overeducation, but also overskilling (including the effect of work experience) or overall job satisfaction. Table 3. Share of overeducated by level of education    Level of education         Measure of overeducation: subjective empirical objective        Primary education (ISCED 0-2) Vocational school with apprenticeship certificate (ISCED 3) High school with school leaving examination (ISCED 3) Higher vocational school or conservatory (ISCED 5) Bachelor's program (ISCED 6) Master's program or PhD (ISCED 7-8)        11.7% 19.9% 23.9% 21.7% 22.9% 17.0% 0.0% N/A 0.0% N/A 8.7% N/A 24.4% N/A 33.8% 24.3% 18.5% 9.3%            Note: The table reports the share of overeducated individuals by level of education for the three measures of overeducation. Sample includes all individuals aged 18-64 who are in formal employment. Source: Czech Labor Force Survey data and ad hoc module (2014), own calculation. The empirical measure of overeducation, on the other hand, only identifies individuals with higher levels of education as overeducated. Among the two lowest levels of education, there are no overeducated individuals and in the third level (high school with school leaving examination), there is less than 9% of overeducated. The share then increases substantially with the level of education – 24% of individuals with vocational school are empirically overeducated for their current position and 34% of Bachelors are. For individuals with Master’s degree or doctorate, the share drops to 19%, these individuals are much more likely to work in occupations where more than 80% of their coworkers also have the highest level of education. Finally, the objective measure is defined only for those with tertiary education and naturally finds individuals with a Bachelor’s degree are much more likely to be 19 

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