Page 23 - IDEA Study 3 2015 Duchodova studie
P. 23

GRAPH 2.3  Percentage of Men with Higher Education 100%  N W N W NN WW E W N W N  E S   SE S E S    E S  E S  80% 60% 40% 20% 0% N W E S N W W EE N W N W N W E S   E S E S  S S       Source: Data SHARE Age group - men (years) W age, gender, educ. ______________________________________________ P age, gender Percentage of Women with Higher Education 100%   80% 60% 40% 20% 0%    Source: Data SHARE N Age group - women (years) W age, gender, educ. ______________________________________________ P age, gender    Retirement Decisions and Education Column graph 2.4 depicts the average effective retirement age for people aged 50-74 years. In the Nordic countries, the average retirement age is three years higher than in Western and Southern countries. In East European countries and the Czech Republic, there is a marked difference in the effective retirement of women, primarily due to legislation allowing for women who have had children to retire earlier. Importantly, this gap is smaller among Czech women who have higher education. GRAPH 2.4  64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 Average Retirement Age by Occupation - Men Manual Source: Data SHARE                 Services Type of occupation Proffesional mean(R men, occup.) N W S E CZ      64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 Average Retirement Age by Occupation - Women Manual                  Source: Data SHARE Services Type of occupation Proffesional mean(R women, occup.) N W S E CZ        Labour Market Participation and Education Labour market participation is significantly related to education. More educated individuals live longer, are healthier, have physically less demanding jobs, earn more, and on average retire later than individuals with lower educational attainment. Graph 2.5 shows the percentage of working men and women with higher education. In all the countries, labour market participation among individuals with higher education is greater than their share in the population (the two being almost equal at age 50-54, when almost everyone is working). Although the Czech Republic has the lowest share 21 

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