Page 26 - IDEA Study 3 2015 Duchodova studie
P. 26

consequence of long-term policies allowing for early retirement among women with children. Note that the difference is smaller for occupations than for education. GRAPH 2.7  64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 64 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 Average Retirement Age by Education - Men Average Retirement Age by Education - Women                                  Lower Source: Data SHARE Middle Education Higher mean(R men,e duc) Lower Source: Data SHARE Middle Education Higher mean(R women,e duc)      N W S E CZ N W S E CZ       Labour Market Participation and Occupation As occupation is closely related to educational attainment, labour market participation increases with age for women and men in professional occupations (who generally have a higher educational level). In the Czech Republic, over 50% of men who continue to work after the statutory retirement age are employed in professional occupations. For women, it is 28%. This is more than the overall share of this occupation in the labour force described above in graph 2.6. GRAPH 2.8  24 

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