Page 28 - IDEA Study 3 2015 Duchodova studie
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GRAPH 3.1  100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Percentage of Men without Chronic Diseases Percentage of Women without Chronic Diseases    S N W E N S N S N S    N WES  E W  WE W E N WSE           Source: Data SHARE Age group - men (years) P age, gender, without diseases ___________________________________________________________________ Source: Data SHARE Age group - women (years) P age, gender, without diseases ___________________________________________________________________ P age, gender P age, gender NS W E N WES W S N  E N W S E N W S  E N W SE   Functional Health: ADL Index The ADL index (Activity of Daily Living) depicted in graph 3.2 captures the respondents' difficulties in performing a total of five everyday activities, including getting dressed, walking across the room, taking a shower/bath, eating meals, getting in and out of bed, and using the toilet. If the respondent has difficulty with one or more of these activities, he/she is regarded in the analysis as a person with an ADL limitation. As with chronic diseases, we find that the ability to perform these daily activities is not dramatically reduced around the statutory retirement age. Even in the oldest cohort, more than 80% of men and women can perform all these activities. Interestingly, there are no major differences across countries except for Eastern Europe. GRAPH 3.2  Percentage of Men without ADL Limitations 100%        90% 80% 70% 60% S NW W E WN S E S NS    S   WE N E WNS WW E  E N W S E E E N WS E N W  S E      Source: Data SHARE Age group - men (years) P age, gender, no ADL _______________________________________________ P age, gender 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Percentage of Women without ADL Limitations Age group - women (years)  N S WE  S N S W N  N      Source: Data SHARE P age, gender, no ADL _______________________________________________ P age, gender      26 

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