Page 6 - IDEA Studie 3 2022 Proc rostou vydaje statniho rozpoctu
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NÁRŮST O 395 MILIARD KČ OPROTI ROKU 2019: KAM SMĚŘOVAL PRVNÍ NÁVRH VÝDAJŮ STÁTNÍHO ROZPOČTU NA ROK 2022 o Expenditure on regional education, especially on teachers' salaries, grew by 35% (CZK +50 billion). o Investments from national sources in the SB show growth of 23% (CZK +17 billion) o The Czech Republic's membership in the European Union is associated with an increase in expenditure of CZK 76 billion. Of these, investments covered by revenues from EU budgets show an increase of 97% (CZK +62 billion), while the Czech Republic’s contributions to the EU increase by 32% (CZK +14 billion). o An additional EUR 8 billion CZK represents purchases of additional vaccines against covid-19 in 2022. IDEA 2022  • The SB items with a significantly low growth in the volume of expenditure, or even a decrease are as follows: o Non-investment transfers to non-profit organisations show a nominal decrease of 13% and a real decrease of as much as 21%. Non-investment transfers to non-profit organizations of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which subsidizes the provision of social services, family support or activities of senior organizations, fall nominally by 11% (CZK -0.6 billion). o TheDepartmentoftheMinistryofEducationshowsanominalstagnation of transfers to public research institutions and universities. In real terms, this is a decrease of 9% (CZK -4 billion). • In other current expenditures of significant volume, we did not identify larger deviations from price level growth or a clear potential for savings compared to 2019. This applies, for example, to non-investment subsidies or salaries of civil servants. • Although the capital expenditure class is increasing significantly by 57% (CZK +80 billion), the growth is mainly due to an increase in EU funds. 4 

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