- Bajgar Matěj
- Baránek Bruno
- Bartoš Vojtěch
- Bartušek, Daniel
- Bičáková Alena
- Boháček Radim
- Bouchal, Petr
- Bryndová Lucie
- Doleželová Pavla
- Dušek Libor
- Federičová Miroslava
- Geys Benny
- Grossmann Jakub
- Hanousek Jan
- Hrendash Taras
- Jann Ole
- Janský Petr
- Jurajda Štěpán
- Kalíšková Klára
- Kolář Daniel
- Korbel Václav
- Kořínek Otakar
- Kozubek Stanislav
- Krajčová Jana
- Macháček Vít
- Münich Daniel
- Ostrý Michal
- Palguta Ján
- Pertold Filip
- Pertold-Gebicka Barbara
- Protivínský Tomáš
- Pytliková Mariola
- Šatava Jiří
- Ščasný Milan
- Schneider Ondřej
- Semerák Vilém
- Sidorkin Oleg
- Škoda Samuel
- Slabý Jiří
- Šlegerová Lenka
- Smolka Vladimír
- Šoltés Michal
- Srholec Martin
- Švejnar Jan
- Titl Vítězslav
- Zapletalová Lucie
- Zvěřinová Iva
New member countries’ labour markets during the crisis. EU BEPA Policy Brief
// ARTICLE CREATION AND/OR MODIFICATION DATES // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>Vilém Semerák, Jan Švejnar
EU BEPA Policy Brief | Září 2009
The present contribution is devoted to labour markets in New Member Countries, in particular the EU-10, during the crisis. The focus is on the most recent evolution of unemployment and its constituting elements: flows into and out of unemployment.