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Swiss innovation promotion: What can we learn from it?
// ARTICLE CREATION AND/OR MODIFICATION DATES // note the special format due to date() not functioning with other languages ?>Embassy of Switzerland in the Czech Republic and IDEA think tank at CERGE-EI organized a seminar and discussion - Swiss innovation promotion: What can we learn from it?/Podpora inovací ve Švýcarsku: Jaké z toho plyne poučení?
Swiss innovation promotion: What can we learn from it?/Podpora inovací ve Švýcarsku: Jaké z toho plyne poučení?
When: March 20, 2025, 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Where: Prague, CERGE-EI (The Schebek Palace, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1), room 7, 2nd floor
The event was held in English
Urs Bucher | Ambassador, Embassy of Switzerland in the Czech Republic
Jan Švejnar | Director, IDEA at CERGE-EI
Martin Wörter | Professor, ETH Zürich
Reflection from Czechia
Martin Srholec | Researcher, IDEA at CERGE-EI
Switzerland is ranked as one of the most innovative countries globally. Yet there are virtually no direct public subsidies and limited tax credits to R&D in the business sector. Swiss companies, particularly smaller ones, also face innovation challenges like elsewhere such as a lack of financial resources, skilled labour or high risk associated to innovation projects, but the government(s) support them differently than with “cash” instruments. The focal point of the seminar was to discuss what sets the Swiss innovation system apart, what makes it effective and whether it can serve as a model for other countries:
What distinguishes innovation policy in Switzerland?
- Are public “cash” subsidies to business R&D indispensable?
- What else should government(s) do to promote innovation?
- How effective is the innovation promotion of Innosuisse?
- What can we learn from it all in Czechia?